Thursday, September 4, 2008

kids camera

When I turned on the camera today, these are some photos that I found (the boys are hiding under the art easel outside):
I think this one is hilarious because it shows that they started to get silly:
...and here's one of Charlie:
...this is actually a Hot Wheels-sized car that was zoomed in on:
...and Charlie's feet:
I had no idea they had grabbed my camera and snapped away to their hearts content! (Sheesh, what kind of parent am I that I don't have a clue to my children's whereabouts and activities!)


emgray said...

LOVE IT! How cute are your boys to think of such a fun activity!?! Love the pictures they took of themselves and of Charlie too! Sweet boys. Just think of what two brothers alone with a camera could have taken pictures of... = )

benjiboo said...

LOL, I know! I got lucky with that!