I made cupcakes (with help from Duncan Hines) in both chocolate and vanilla flavors, and to go along with his sports themed decorations, I decided to make the chocolate cupcakes footballs and the vanilla cupcakes baseballs. Jake told me, "I really like how the baseballs look Mom, but those (pointing to chocolate cupcakes) don't really look like footballs." I had just spent the better part of an hour frosting these darn things, cutting my thumb in the process, so I smiled sweetly at him and just "suggested" that he use his imagination.

The party is now over and I'm left with the crying of my tired and overwhelmed children, the paper pieces of ripped boxes and packages scattered throughout my house (on my bed under my pillow, in my shower, in Ben's diaper drawer... seriously, what went on here??)... and of course left over cupcakes taunting me from the fridge. I swear, just a few minutes ago when I walked by the fridge, the door flew open hitting me in the chest, the lid to the cupcake tupperware container popped up, and a "football" flew into my mouth! I would have protested but I was too busy scarfing down cake and frosting. All that remains is my paper wrapper carelessly tossed on the floor in my haste for cake.
Cute cupcakes! I'm very impressed with your piping skills. Nice job. And happy 5th birthday to your son!
Thanks! My nephew had a 'baseball' and told me "that red gooey stuff was the best part!"
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