Monday, June 16, 2008


This morning my Hubby had an important meeting to go to at 9:30. This was the kind of meeting that required a leather binder-folder, a resume, a list of questions, a fresh hair cut, and a suit and tie.

Yesterday he laid out his suit and tried on the pants to make sure everything still fit *rolls eyes*, and in doing so decided that he needed a new "power" tie. So off to Ross I went, which is the best place to go for stuff like this. I got him a Calvin Klein tie for $12.99 which was "compared to $40.00" originally.

Then later in the evening I "cut his hair" (all three pieces) and he trimmed up his goatee and sideburns all nice and clean. Also last night I threw out the suggestion of "typing up a resume", which he thought was a good idea but that it could wait until the morning to be done. Fine by me because my all-time favorite movie was on cable, While You Were Sleeping, and I happily hunkered into bed to watch it.

So here we are this morning and Hubby's running around frantic ironing his shirt, trying grab a bite to eat, yelling different suggestive phrases at me for his resume which was still un-typed, trimming nose hairs or whatever it is guys actually do in the bathroom... meanwhile the kids and I are huddled in the corner of the living room trying to stay out of the way. Then the house falls silent for a few moments so I peek around the corner and find hubby mesmorized by the glow of our computer screen. Curious, I sneak up behind him and realize he's located a website with instructions on how to tie a tie. So after a few failed attempts, he starts to get a little frustrated and I gingerly step in and tell him to go do something else to get ready, and I'll take care of the tie.

After about twenty minutes and fifteen different tries and tying this stupid thing I realize Hubby is watching me. "Just lay it on the back of the chair and I'll do it later. I don't want it to get wrinkled." ...he tells me. So I moved on to typing the finishing touches on his resume and printing out some various papers he needs done.

A little bit later I find him again in front of the computer trying to tie the tie, this time fully clothed with his button down shirt and slacks in place. It took the two of us another fifteen minutes, with three trips to the bathroom to try tying it in front of a mirror, to get it completely tied. The problem: Hubby is rather tall and the tie came to just above his belly button (about 6" north then it should have been). So off it came and back to the drawing board we went. I looked at him at one point and said, "We're two very capable, grown adults, and this is a piece of skinny fabric. How is this not working??" To which he replied, "You better not blog this. I'm serious, I don't want to see this online." Which caught me off guard and made me laugh hysterically and all the while I'm thinking, "Yeah right! This is a blogger's dream!" But I settle for telling him, "You realize there's no way I'm going to be able to keep my mouth shut about this..."

Needless to say, he was out the door, tie fixed appropriately and all, at 9:15. I shut the computer off and tried to start my morning. Then Hubby calls me at 9:25 to say, "I'm at the wrong place. Look it up online for the right address!" So I have to wait for the computer to re-boot so I can find the correct address. He turned out to have a great meeting, but good grief! If he starts wearing a tie on a day-to-day basis I think I might develop an ulcer.


Gabensysmom said...

LOLOL! Hilarious. Quick, type another entry so he won't see this one!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that was really funny! Love these little glimpses into your life. Very real.

benjiboo said...

Just be grateful you're not the one who has to live them out!