Friday, June 13, 2008


My kids love movies. Any movie at all, they're up for it. Think of them as miniature Epert and Ropert experts. A couple of days ago the magical movie in our house was Montsers, Inc. They watched it about three times... in one day. I had it memorized by dinnertime (Billy Crystal is only funny the first time through). Yesterday was Toy Story, which was also watched multiple times... followed today by The Wild.

On their list of "important things to do this summer" going to see Kung Fu Panda is at the top, followed closely by Wall-e, and the new animated Star Wars epic that is supposed to air later this summer. I must admit they do sit well through a movie, hardly talking or budging from their "spot" on the couch. Will they sit through getting their hair washed? No. Will they sit still through dinner? No way. Through a Church service? *snort* I wish. On the potty? Forget about it. But when Darth, or Buzz, or Cinderella (yes her, she's a favorite remember...) is before them, all eyes are focused and concentrating. If only I could direct that attention toward tidying up their rooms, or unloading the dishwasher...

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